Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a quick update ...Pow Wow

April the FRISCO NATIVE AMERICAN MUSEUM will be having its 13th Annual Pow Wow and living history weekend  on April 30/May1.  The Pow Wow was started by Joyce and Carl Bornfriend retired educators who founded and own the museum.  One of the most extensive collections of viewable Native American art and history on the east coast of America , if  not anywhere.

The new dance area is wonderful and the pow wow is better than ever.  You really must see all of the beauty and history for yourself.   below is the address for photos taken by Thomas Gartman , Photographer extradordinaire in 2009.


We have many wonderful vendors, plus the Famous Buffalo Burgers and Indian Tacos.

Hope to see you there.

School is going good for someone as old as honestly I can feel the cobwebs dissolving as I replace them with renewed understanding of Algebra and English grammar.

Have a wonderful day and let me know how you all are too.

Why I create (my new name Lorri Lee Glennon)

My photo
Hobbsville, North Carolina, United States
Having been a artist literally all my life, I love color and dimension.I learned to sew at age 10 , by age 13 started a stuffed animal business, which grew into a collectable Teddy Bear Business for 15 + years. I opened my own bead store specializing in Spontaneous Creation classes and love to teach everyone they could be creative and open the door to their imagination.I recently returned to one of my favorite art forms taking photographs my father gave me my first camera when I was a child and I have loved photography ever since. I took professional family portraits and weddings for the first 5 years living in the Outer Banks, I am now shooting Family portraits again and sharing my love of the Outer Banks through my blogs. Be creative, walk in faith and never give up....It all happens in God's time