You know sometimes we can think to much ...
I know you all know what I mean.
Whether it is going to the grocery store to buy groceries and you stand there at the meat counter thinking about what you want for dinner...steak or chicken , grilled or not. and we end grabbing a package of hamburger take it home grill it and it is the best thing we ever tasted. But we wasted time fighting with ourselves over the chicken and steak.
This is Life if we go with the first thought many times it will turn out fantastic and sometimes it will not be fantastic but will still be good or even great.
That is ART...many people will say they can't draw or paint or sew or bead or whatever. I taught people for almost all of my life but professionally for over 6 years that they can do it . if they only draw stick people then it is their stick people and that is cool, I mean look at Jackson Pollock or the 6 year old girl who people are spending thousands of dollars on her work. I don't think they overthought the process they just did it.
I have come to the conclusion my life that I overthink things and because of it invite chaos in and then nothing gets done.
I don't finish the 3 art quilts or even start them that are in my sketch book I really want to start or finish one that I really want to finish.
So now every morning after thanking God for allowing me to awake and feel the new day I amd just going to walk through life and MY ART will be my focus. I will still take care of the things I have to ...But I will walk to my fabrics and if it tells me to take the yellow polka dotted purple fabric and make a cat .
If we get past the overthinking then we get past the fear that no one will like it or that it won't turn out and we are allowing that purple cat with yellow polkadots to fulfill its destiny which will be make us giggle and others to smile and laugh.
All because we did not overthink the design or process.
I chose one of my cloud photos to represent this because Clouds don't think they just float whereever they are suppose to go and if in the floating process they become a rabbit or a dragon or a fish then they get their moment of happiness especially if someone sees it and enjoys.
Ok so now you think I am really loopy ...but hey I am a artist and writer justing going with the flow.
Have a wonderful day ...and don't over think
Absolutely true - thinking is over rated! So glad you teach people to do art and express themselves without worry about others' opinions! And go ahead and be loopy!! Life is more exciting ...
Hi Lorri! Wonderful post! Following our instincts and going with the flow is something I tend to do a lot too. I can be working on one thing, but if I'm not feeling it at the moment, I just come back when I get the vibes again.
Thanks for coming to visit today! I really appreciate your sweet message. It just so happens I have been working on some quilties lately. Your visit is perfect timing. I'll be sharing them on my blog shortly.
Have a great week! Thanks again so much for your continued support in my art! I feel so lucky to have you as a collector of my art quilts.
Lisa :)
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